Good morning again MIdkota. In addition to Virtual Learning, all after school activities for today, Thursday, December 19th, will be cancelled or rescheduled. Thank you and stay safe.
about 2 months ago, Linn Dockter
Good morning Midkota. With the continuation of snow throughout the day and the expected increase in wind speeds, our safest option today for students and staff is Virtual Learning. Midkota School will begin Virtual Learning today, Thursday, December 19th at 8:30 AM with HS classes online followed by direct instruction for the elementary beginning at 12:30 PM. Teachers are available for student or parent support as needed. You can see our complete Virtual Learning plan by following this link: Stay safe and warm Midkota.
about 2 months ago, Linn Dockter
Good evening Midkota. We apologize for the late message but wanted you to have the most up to date information possible for tomorrow morning. Roads tonight are already snow covered, and winds will continue to blow. At this point Midkota School and buses will be 2 hours late tomorrow, Thursday, December 19th. Should conditions not improve with the onset of daylight, notifications will be sent out before 8 AM, so that teachers and students can be ready to switch to Virtual Learning by 8:30 AM. Parents please help your students to be up and ready for classes in the event of a Virtual Learning day. We want to be up front that attendance is taken as usual on these virtual days, and students should be present in their online classes. Thank you and stay safe Midkota.
about 2 months ago, Linn Dockter
January Activities Calendar
about 2 months ago, Lisa Jorde
January Hot Lunch Menu
about 2 months ago, Lisa Jorde
The GBB Schedule has been updated as of today 12.16.24. There will no longer be a GBB Varsity game against Warwick on January 7, 2025. The JV girls will play that night instead against Warwick's JV team starting at 4:30pm followed by the JV boys and Varsity boys.
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
It's a busy week before Christmas Break with activities. Please join us for the Jr/Sr High Concert in Glenfield tonight starting at 7:30pm. GBB games this week at Pingree and Midway and the boys kicking off their season on Friday in Glenfield against MPB. See below or click on the link for all the fun and excitement!
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
Updated BBB Schedule:
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
24-25 BBB Schedule
Good morning! The HS GBB team will be practicing in Binford and the JH GBB team will be at GCC after school today, Monday, December 16. Transportation will be provided as usual.
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
The Lady Titans will be traveling to Crystal today to play Drayton/Valley-Edinburg. The JH girls will start play at 4:15pm and play 6 quarters followed by the JV and Varsity teams. The bus will leave MHS at 1:30pm and 2pm from GCC. Good luck, ladies!
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
The boys C squad game has been cancelled for January 13 in Carrington. Games will begin with the JV at 6pm that evening. See below for updated schedule or click here:
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
BBB Schedule
Looking for a great gift or stocking stuffer? Look no further! The Midkota Booster Club has Titan stocking hats for sale for $35 and can be purchased at the High School office. Grab yours before they are gone!
about 2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
Titans Hat
It's Christmas time at MHS! Our students will have dress up days next week to help kickoff the last week before break. Mr. Anderson and the band and choir have been working hard on getting ready for their Christmas concert on Monday, December 16th at 7:30pm. Hope to see you all there!
2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
X-Mas 2024
The GBB game against Drayton/V-E on Friday, December 13th will start at 4:15pm with the JH playing 6 quarters followed by JV and Varsity. Bus will leave MHS at 1:30pm and GCC at 2pm.
2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
24-25 GBB Schedule
Next week, Midkota Elementary is counting down to Christmas with some fun dress up days. "Santa" hats off to the Christmas committee for all their hard work and planning. It's going to be great! ;)
2 months ago, Linn Dockter
Dress up days
It's that time of year....and the Christmas Concert is right around the corner. This info sheet will go home with students tomorrow, but here is a sneak peek for anyone wondering about specifics for Thursday evening. :)
2 months ago, Linn Dockter
Christmas Concert Info
There is no school this Friday, December 13th. We will be having a Tutor Day in the morning and staff will be having Professional Development in the afternoon. Have a great week, Midkota!
2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
The Lady Titans are headed to Devils Lake tonight to play Park River/F-L at 7:30pm in the Lake Region Invitational Tournament. Live Stream will be on the NFHS network. You can access from:, then click on Activities (basketball icon on right hand side of screen) and then Live Stream (DLPS Live Events).
2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
LR GBB Tourney 2024
Boys Basketball Pictures will be Friday, December 13th at practice.
2 months ago, Charla Hoyt
BBB Pic Order Form